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產(chǎn)品名稱:two-high rolling mill of heterotypic copper


Main catalogs:

Material:Refined copper and brass

Size of input material:Thickness:≦15mm (after surface milling),Width:300mm

Size of output material:Thickness≧3mm

Maximum weight per coil:2000kg

Size of working roller: Ф500*450mm

Rolling speed: V=0~30m/min(thickness≧6mm~15mm)


Electric deprssed speed: 0.16mm/s

Motor power:284KW

Coiler power: 67KW

Pinch straightener power:49KW

Depressed power of electrical machine:15KW

Installation level:

1、The irreversible main rolling machine and the coreless coiler are drived by the DC electric machine,adopt digital DC speed regulator to achieve stepless speed

2、Pinch and straight are drived and regulated by the DC electric machine with the straight roller.

3、Digital display panel display the displacement of the depressed millscrew under the AC motor pressure. Zero adjustment.

4、Hydraulic pressure with top-roll balance

5、Hydraulic up-cut,hydraulic detrusion,backup roll draw

6、Over-pressure alarming device,overpressured automatic protection, automatical detective for displaying the rolling pressure.

7、Automatically alarm device for hydraulic oil level of process liquid or emulsion.